Re: FreeBSD 14 Kernel changes

From: Ede Wolf <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2023 12:42:10 UTC
Am 29.09.23 um 19:47 schrieb Paul Procacci:
> On Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 1:10 PM Ede Wolf < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     I am trying to make the jump from 12.4 to 14, and am wondering about
>     some changes to GENERIC.
>     For some reason, iwm has been renamed to iwn, fine. But in 12.4 I've
>     also had a required firmare:
>     device          iwm3168fw
>     That seems to be lacking in GENERIC 14.
>     In addition, 12.4 had an usb audio device:
>     device            snd_uaudio
>     That I am heavily reliant on. That seems to be missing in 14 as well.
>     Neither is mentioned in UPDATING. Any information or further reading on
>     this? Since it is a headless box, I'd like it to come up again with
>     (wireless) network.
>     Finally, two more general questions:
>     options         NUMA
>     is generally not needed? I am not up to date wether newer cpus make
>     somewhat use of that internally.
>     Further, if going root on zfs, is ffs for some reasons still requred?
>     As for some other, more obsuce partitions, like for boot/efi (even
>     though those are msdos, but you never know the crosslinks) or for
>     bootloader related stuff?
>     Thanks
>     Ede
> Hey Ede,
> Just commenting on the NUMA option as I've no idea about the rest of it.
> In my industry, high frequency trading, NUMA is absolutely required for 
> the best performance as latency is the `top dog` here.
> Personally, I think the benefits of leaving it enabled are great, but 
> then again, my opinion on this may have some bias.
> To further this answer, all modern "enterprise grade" cpu's have support 
> NUMA.  "Home" or "Personal" systems generally don't; at least not the 
> several that I own.
> Hope this helps!
> ~Paul
> -- 
> __________________
> :(){ :|:& };:

Is there a way to find out (using the OS, not the specs), wether the CPU 
supports NUMA? Would dmesg for sure mention this, if it was the case?

Since checking a rather late xeon gold on intels ark site did f.e. no 
mention numa - and that should qualify as an enterprise CPU.
Did not look into the detailed datasheet, though.

Anyway, I'll leave it enabled.

Thanks very much for your feedback