Re: Overview of Linux and FreeBSD sound systems?

From: David Christensen <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 03:42:12 UTC
On 5/24/23 18:16, Steven Friedrich wrote:
> Can anyone point me to an Overview of Linux and FreeBSD sound systems? 
> The base sound system is OSS, right?
> We also have ALSA, Sox, Pulse, Phonon, Jack, etc.
> These must have special features not in OSS...

I believe I had a copy of "The Book of Linux Music & Sound" by Dave 
Phillips [1] back in the day, and seem to recall it was a good 
introduction at the time.  It looks like the author has a related web 
site [2].

Other options include installing "Planet CCRMA at home" [3] and/or 
getting involved in that community.



