Re: apache24 reload dies with SIGSEGV

From: Paul Procacci <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 03:46:21 UTC
On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 11:35 PM Paul Procacci <> wrote:

> On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 11:31 PM Jim Pazarena <> wrote:
>> I just loaded two servers with a fresh 13.2 install . Along with a fresh
>> install of 2.4.57 Apache .
>> both have public IPs
>> one is https , while the other is not .
>> an "./apache24 start" works as expected . It passes the sanity check ,
>> announces Syntax OK , and runs .
>> However , if I issue an "./apache24 reload"
>> it still announces Syntax OK , followed with:
>> Performing a graceful restart
>> but it does not start .
>> running "dmesg" , I see:
>> pid xxxx (httpd), jid 0, uid 0: existed on signal 11
>> If I run an ".apache24 start"
>> it fires up as expected and runs as expected .
>> What is a reload doing extra that a start does not do , that could be
>> causing a SIGSEGV ?
>> oh yes, a restart works as expected
>> a reload dies .
>> Suggestions would be most appreciated .
> You need to generate a core and run gdb against it getting a backtrace. --
> This ultimately would provide you very specifically where it's getting
> foul'd up.
> ~Paul
> --
> __________________
> :(){ :|:& };:

As a follow up to my brief comment and given the bug report above (last
comment in particular), you don't happen to be running apache with mod_php
and ASLR are you?



:(){ :|:& };: