Re: 13.1-STABLE vritualbox-ose-kmod panic

From: Dale Scott <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2023 00:46:00 UTC
> On 24/01/2023 23:07, Graham Perrin wrote:

>> On 24/01/2023 22:06, Tomek CEDRO wrote:

>>> … The first time I noticed that problem was beginning of January 2023. Before I
>>> was able to use virtualbox-ose(-kmod) on STABLE with no problem.

>>> How can I make things work again?

>>> Will virtualbox-ose-kmod work only with a RELEASE and not with STABLE?
Sorry, please ignore my incredible lack of respect by accidentially top-posting in my previous reply ;-) 

There is a period of time in the release engineering cycle when the version of virtualbox-ose-kmod in pkg will work, but most of the time it will need to be compiled from the port. 

If you look at dmesg (if you are rebooting to load the the kmod), you should see an error message that the kmod could be loaded due to a version incompatibitliy. You'll get the same error if you attempt to load the kmod manually. 

There is at least one relatively recent thread on this in the mailing list with more explanation, but personally I have found it simplest to just always build the kmod from ports when updating. 

Feel free to forward this to the virtualbox and virtualization lists as I'm not subscribed. 
