Re: Out of order posting (was:: Load 0.20 on a freshly installed idle system)

From: Paul Procacci <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 07:18:00 UTC
As per your last couple of statements; I agree.
I won't however conform for the reasons already given.
If I'm breaking the rules, "punish" me.
I won't cry about it nor hate anyone for doing so.
The only thing people on this list would lose is the rare and occasional
time I help someone.
I'll still be in irc on occasion, still be trolling bug reports, etc.

I swear I won't be heart broken.  Have at it.

On Sun, Jan 22, 2023 at 1:52 AM Michael Schuster <>

> Late to the party (I admit it), still...
> On Sun, Jan 22, 2023, 07:37 Paul Procacci <> wrote:
>> .
>> Unless I'm using an email client where I can move a cursor to the
>> position needed to tip me off what kind of posting is required for said
>> email (like Mutt), then the steps necessary to conform to various `rules'
>> on various forms/lists/work emails/etc is simply too much work.
> In my opinion, if this little piece of effort (which is just a few clicks
> in my experience on both phone or desktop computer) is more effort than
> what you're trying to say... Well, you get the idea.
> Also (and this has been written many times), by you avoiding the effort
> once of streamlining your response, you're putting that effort on every one
> of your readers.
> Also a fact: not once has anyone complained to me about top posting until
>> now.
>> Also a fact: I was asked not to bottom post elsewhere albeit quite a long
>> time ago.
> Just as you need to know the different rules for driving in different
> countries or for speaking different languages (sensibly), there are also
> slightly different rules on "moving" in different circles.
> The fact that one community (or was it perhaps a single individual? )
> frowns on top posting is just that - one fact. So?
> Regards
> Michael
> [ previous stuff omitted]


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