Re: Out of order posting (was:: Load 0.20 on a freshly installed idle system)

From: Paul Procacci <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 06:36:27 UTC
Thanks for your insight.  Here's the fact of the matter.
Unless I'm using an email client where I can move a cursor to the position
needed to tip me off what kind of posting is required for said email (like
Mutt), then the steps necessary to conform to various `rules'  on various
forms/lists/work emails/etc is simply too much work.
Also a fact: not once has anyone complained to me about top posting until
Also a fact: I was asked not to bottom post elsewhere albeit quite a long
time ago.
I'm not an advocate of either method, just don't have the time to conform.
Not only do I use gmail as is evident by this email, but I use other email
clients as well.  All their defaults are top posting oriented.
This is what led me to state to either ignore my messages or block me.  I
certainly won't be offended and have better things to worry about other
than posting methodology on various lists.


On Sun, Jan 22, 2023 at 1:01 AM Greg 'groggy' Lehey <>

> [message rearranged and trimmed for compliance and legibility]
> On Saturday, 21 January 2023 at  1:38:12 -0500, Paul Procacci wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 11:44 PM Ian Smith <> wrote:
> >>
> >> PS Also bugging me is dreadful endless top-posting, tail-quoting
> Microsoft
> >> corporate-email-style mess.
> >
> > Sorry but blame google and/or gmail for the top posting.
> Why?  Have you not read their instructions?  At
> under "Have better
> email conversations", there's the item "Reply inline to email".  That
> seems to be exactly what we're asking for.
> > I use whatever their defaults are and that's not going to change
> > unless they change it.
> You can put your answer wherever you want, though they may not make it
> easy.  But it's your choice to use Gmail.  I'd suggest to put your
> answers:
> * Where it matches what you're answering.
> * Where it matches the project guidelines.
> Where are the project guidelines?  Currently there's
>, which contains:
>   Include relevant text from the original message. Trim it to the
>   minimum, but do not overdo it. It should still be possible for
>   somebody who did not read the original message to understand what
>   you are talking about.
>   Use some technique to identify which text came from the original
>   message, and which text you add. I personally find that prepending
>   “>” to the original message works best. Leaving white space after
>   the “> ;” and leave empty lines between your text and the original
>   text both make the result more readable.
>   Put your response in the correct place (after the text to which it
>   replies). It is very difficult to read a thread of responses where
>   each reply comes before the text to which it replies.
> > RFC's surrounding usenet described this in pretty clear detail.  (Just
> > looked it up: 1855).
> Thanks for the link, though I don't see anything that relates to the
> current discussion.  About the only thing of relevance I see is:
>   do not include the entire original!
> > At this point in my life all I would suggest to you is to either
> > suck it up or ban/ignore the messages from senders you don't want to
> > see.  Mine included.
> This would be a rather drastic approach.  Discussion is better.
> > I found this to be a better approach than attempting to correct
> > people on what is the proper `netiquette'.
> Whatever you want, of course.  But if you're prepared to accept a
> supposed mandate by Gmail, I wonder how objective you're being.
> Greg
> --
> Sent from my desktop computer.
> See complete headers for address and phone numbers.
> This message is digitally signed.  If your Microsoft mail program
> reports problems, please read


:(){ :|:& };: