Re: Docker

From: Paul Pathiakis <>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2023 23:27:57 UTC
 Probably the best thing I saw that showed Linus' lack of understanding of proper engineering was when he was talking on an announcement stage with people from IBM, HP, etcand someone in the audience stated/asked:  "I've been doing a code review of your kerneland I'm a bit worried.  I see a lot of places where POSIX standards have not been implementedor incorrectly implement.  Will you be correcting the Linux kernel to POSIX compliant?"
After he said "No.  I don't feel I should be hampered by standards over creativity (or some such)"
Those company reps literally dragged him off the stage.
    On Friday, April 14, 2023 at 04:21:14 PM PDT, Tomek CEDRO <> wrote:  
 On Sat, Apr 15, 2023 at 12:46 AM Mario Marietto wrote:
> So,let me understand : docker images aren't compatible with FreeBSD. Imagine that the FreeBSD jails will be not compatible with Linux. Wow,this is true interoperability.

Mario, (Free)BSD is Unix derivative and thus standard compliant, look
at sockets, IPv4, IPv6, Jails, ZFS, etc.

It was Linux folks who invent things that are only compatible with
Linux and only until new fancy pancy Linux only revelation is
introduced then those solutions are not even Linux compatible anymore.
"Progress by Enforced Changes"^TM. It was Docker that did not take
other OS into consideration at design stage. It was SystemD that did
not take other OS into consideration at design stage, and now lots of
application follow that systemd core dependency making them hardly
portable to any other OS. What about kernel API changes with every
minor release that started around 2.4.11 (I was using Linux 2.0.36 /
~1998 .. 2.4.12 / ~2007)?  Look at DRM mess it introduced to graphics
driver world. How would you call that interoperability / portability /
long term maintenance? Linux by design is self-incompatible. Do you
really want us to to follow that "fashions" with a life span shorter
than a yogurt?

There are reasons for people avoiding Linux.
