Re: Testing ports of rust software w/o building rustc

From: Nicolas Herry <>
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 06:57:21 UTC
Paul Mather <> writes:

> I don't know whether there are any specific options I use with Rust,
> although I do tend to have blanket settings for build dependencies
> (like disabling DOCS and TEST options).  It's more likely that I
> didn't know about poudriere-devel's binary download abilities or
> didn't realise it would help when setting up
> ports-mgmt/sccache-overlay. :-)

Ah, right, I understand.

> Also, TBH, the documentation on binary package downloading support in
> Poudriere isn't exactly extensive.  Prompted by your message I went
> looking for it and all I could find is some comments at the end of the
> poudriere.conf.sample file.  (Also, also, I'm running -STABLE, and I
> don't believe there is a FreeBSD package repo for that, so I don't
> know how useful the capability would be to me.  I could be wrong,
> though.)

I agree, I didn't know about it until someone mentioned it to me a few
days ago. This prompted me into writing a little about it on my
gopherhole/site (at least so *I* can remember), and I'd be glad to write
proper docs for that, actually. Just not sure how to proceed to
contribute that. poudriere really is an impressive piece of software to me.
