Re: svnlite went missing, how do I get it back in 13.1?

From: Mel Pilgrim <>
Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2022 20:55:17 UTC
On 2022-12-24 5:15, Ian Smith wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 5:27 PM Mel Pilgrim 
>> <> wrote:
>>> I get why svnlite was removed from base, but I would really like
>>> to have it back.  The full devel/subversion is a monster due to
>>> its dependencies, and net/svnup lacks necessary features.  I 
>>> couldn't find svnlite in ports.  Anyone know where to find it?
> I don't know if that may help, but it does explain that it's built
> as (only) svnlite on 12.x.  Whether it can be built on 13 I've no 
> idea.

The full subversion builds on 13, so I don't doubt a minimal version 
would as well.  IMO a lightweight-but-complete svn port is an obvious 
need, so that's where I'm going to direct my energy.