editors/vim visual mode

From: Janos Dohanics <web_at_3dresearch.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2022 11:54:58 UTC

Over the years I have used what used to be vim-console in a rather basic
and lazy/easy way: from my computer running FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE and LXDE
desktop I ssh to a server running FreeBSD 11, 12, or 13 and edit files
with copy/paste.

The lazy/easy part is to copy with mouse left button double-click and
paste with the middle button.

On one of these computers with vim-8.2.5052 installed, when I start
vim the mouse pointer changes from "I" to arrow and double-clicking on
a word automatically enters VISUAL mode. The above described lazy/easy
copy/pasting doesn't work.

After much searching I came across this short post:


which advises to set in .vimrc:

set mouse-=a

This setting restores the expected/desired "old" behavior. The post
made by Miguel David (thank you!) is dated Sep 7, 2018.

I then checked the versions of vim installed (from ports) on some of my
FreeBSD computers, which are:


All of the above work without the setting "set mouse-=a" and all of
them must have been installed not before March 4, 2021.

Now I have upgraded vim-8.2.5052 to vim-9.0.0129. It displays the same
behavior as vim-8.2.5052 did.

Janos Dohanics