Re: MAO on FreeBSD

From: Ralf Mardorf <>
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2022 11:45:42 UTC

in response to an off-list reply, hence no quotes, but my answer might
be helpful for other (,too).

In my opinion it's not wise to ensure that the chosen kernel is the most
reliable one and to care about the audio infrastructure afterwards.

Consider to subscribe to , to send a
request. Consider to describe exactly what you want to do and ask if
somebody is doing this using FreeBSD. If somebody should do something
close to what you want to do, then consider to ask for possible
pitfalls. I don't know what is important to you, so just a few pointers.

Since everybody has got a different definition of "professional" this
term is moot. Describe your needs!

Is audio card support important? If so, is a wanted audio device partly
or fully supported?

Is audio round-trip latency important? If so, on what machine and what
kind of project the required latency does work without getting xruns?

Does MIDI jitter matter? If so, what MIDI interface does provide best
MIDI event sync under what circumstances?

Is a combination of software wanted? Maybe with audio routing done by a
sound server? What sound server is provided and how well does it work
with the FreeBSD audio driver backend?

Is sample accuracy important? Is sync to video important? Is whatever
else important?

How well does audio real-time scheduling work and does it come with
unwanted side effects?

What experiences do other users make who do what you want to do?

All operating systems, FLOSS as well as proprietary are sometimes a
PITA. What kind of issues happen more often and how does it impact a
project? Now the term "professional" comes into account. Does it
matter, if you can't finish a project by the deadline? Is it no problem,
you can finish the project next semester or is the only way to answer
the claim for compensation seppuku?
