Re: MAO on FreeBSD

From: Ralf Mardorf <>
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2022 08:53:50 UTC
On Thu, 4 Aug 2022 10:23:25 +0300, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
>What is MAO, if I may ask?

musique assistée par ordinateur
computer-assisted music

On Thu, 4 Aug 2022 00:25:33 +0200, white-wolf wrote:
>I'm not sure of the version of FreeBSD for a MAO workstation. [snip]
>It's destined to à professionnal usage [snip]

Professional as in self-employed or sponsored as in university employee?
For doing this ordinary mortals are using proprietary operating systems
for good reasons.

I've got a Linux audio workstation, as well as a forbidden fruit audio
workstation and was a professional audio engineer. As far as I know
only a few spoiled intellectuals are using FLOSS operating systems for
professional work.

It probably depends on what you want to do, but for most usecases in
this domain FreeBSD and Linux aren't suitable to make a living, since
the software for those FLOSS operating systems is way behind
proprietary solutions.