Re: cannot receive mountpoint property on data/backup/home/foo/bar: permission denied

From: David Christensen <>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2021 19:45:19 UTC
On 10/13/21 6:12 PM, tech-lists wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 04:37:17PM -0700, David Christensen wrote:
>> What is 'pv'?
> sysutils/pv = pipe view monitor. It gives a progress bar and speed of
> the data through the pipe. The command to send was via interactive
> term and I wanted to see it max out my local LAN :D it's not
> something i'd put in a script.
>> The replication worked.  Note that the replica leaf directory 'bar' is
>> not mounted, but its parents are; per the zfs receive -u option.
> Yes, that is the case here.
>> That failed, as it should; but not with the error message you are seeing
>> (below).
>> Do you see the replica on the receiving system?  E.g.:
>> # ssh remote.system zfs list -r -t all data/backup/home
> Yes, it's all there. Maybe zfs recv needs to be told mountpoint=noauto
> or something but my google-fu doesn't find it for recent stable/13 or
> stable/12 or OpenZFS. There's a couple of threads in the forum about it
> but they're for freebsd 9.x (and so no OpenZFS) and it doesn't appear in 
> the (stable/13) handbook in this sort of context. And IIRC the forum 
> threads didn't have a "fix" for it. I don't know if a fix is even
> required. But I don't know why mountpoint should even be set, as it's a
> snapshot.

Have you checked the 'mountpoint' properties on the source and on the 

2021-10-14 12:34:25 toor@vf1 ~
# zfs get -r mountpoint vf1zpool1/home
NAME                             PROPERTY    VALUE                    SOURCE
vf1zpool1/home                   mountpoint  /vf1zpool1/home 
vf1zpool1/home@20211012          mountpoint  -                        -
vf1zpool1/home@20211013          mountpoint  -                        -
vf1zpool1/home/foo               mountpoint  /vf1zpool1/home/foo 
vf1zpool1/home/foo@20211012      mountpoint  -                        -
vf1zpool1/home/foo@20211013      mountpoint  -                        -
vf1zpool1/home/foo/bar           mountpoint  /vf1zpool1/home/foo/bar 
vf1zpool1/home/foo/bar@20211012  mountpoint  -                        -
vf1zpool1/home/foo/bar@20211013  mountpoint  -                        -

2021-10-14 12:35:21 toor@vf1 ~
# zfs get -r mountpoint vf1zpool2/backup
NAME                                    PROPERTY    VALUE 
vf1zpool2/backup                        mountpoint  /vf1zpool2/backup 
vf1zpool2/backup/home                   mountpoint 
/vf1zpool2/backup/home          default
vf1zpool2/backup/home/foo               mountpoint 
/vf1zpool2/backup/home/foo      default
vf1zpool2/backup/home/foo/bar           mountpoint 
/vf1zpool2/backup/home/foo/bar  default
vf1zpool2/backup/home/foo/bar@20211012  mountpoint  - 
vf1zpool2/backup/home/foo/bar@20211013  mountpoint  - 

Taking the idea one step further -- dump all of the properties to a file 
on the sender, do the same on the receiver, and then diff(1) the files.

Same as above for the pool properties.

Have you tried replicating from the receiver?

Have you tried reproducing the issue with a 13.0-RELEASE sender and/or 
