Re: Is the old format documention still available?
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 17:51:25 UTC
On Mon, 27 Dec 2021 at 18:46, Mel Pilgrim <> wrote: > > On 2021-12-27 8:50, Sergio Carlavilla wrote: > > On Mon, 27 Dec 2021 at 17:34, Mel Pilgrim <> wrote: > >> > >> How do I access the old format of the documentation? The new format has > >> major regressions that make it inaccessible. The old format wasn't > >> perfect, but it worked for screen-reading, mouseless nav, and mobile > >> browsers. The new format isn't compatible with any of that due to how > >> the sidebars take priority over the section content. > >> > > > > Hi Mel, > > > > No, the old format it's not accessible, at least not with the last version. > > > > Why don't you like it? We need to fix some things from the navigation. > > But if you give me your feedback it would be good to improve the website. > > The desktop site is insufficiently responsive. The sidebars take up 2/3 > of the horizontal screen space on a mobile browser. I use the "desktop > site" because the "mobile" version does not render correctly on Firefox > Android. > > Because chapters load as monolithic pages instead of splitting sections > into separate pages, the handbooks are extremely slow to load. > > If I click a section link that isn't the first or last section of a > chapter, the page will scroll as the entire chapter loads. > > Mouseless navigation doesn't work because the sidebar takes priority in > the cursor order and cursor position is reset to the sidebar with every > page load. Screen-readers are similarly confounded by the sidebars > taking precedence. > > In a full desktop browser, the sidebars cannot be resized, so larger > text or long section titles wrap in very strange ways. > > There are NUMEROUS proofing and formatting errors that did not exist in > the old format. Several examples of this is are in just the sidebar of > the Porter's Handbook: > > 7.3.USES=phpand Flavors > > 7.4.USES=pythonand > Flavors > > 7.5.USES=l u aand Flavors > > 9.5. SUB_FILESandSUB_L > Making > Use of > > 10.1 make > Running desc r i be > > 10.5.PREFIXandDESTDIR > > 13.6 execStatement in > Use Wrapper > the scripts > > There's no option to fully expand the left sidebar, so I can't skim it > like a normal index or ToC. > > The only way for me to use the documentation right now is to download > the entire thing as a single HTML file, element-block the ToC, and use > text search to find what I need. Hi Mel, Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll try to fix all these problems ASAP. Starting from today I'll have two weeks to work only on FreeBSD. Thanks for the report! Bye!