Re: We would like to be an agent for FreeBSD in China

From: Mailman Hosting <>
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2021 17:03:23 UTC
This has become incredibly off topic and political. It's also the quickest way to get this list blocked in China. Now who would that serve?

As for comment about people getting the government they deserve, that is true of countries with free and fair elections, but not so much in others. Did Ugandans deserve Idi Admin's reign of cannibalism and terror? I could list others if you like.

The reasons why China has the government it does are complex, dating back to WWII, and are beyond the control of the OP. On that note, he is asking for help. If you (all of you) have nothing to offer in that regard, suggesting that he overthrow the government is really pointless.

Jim Ohlstein
On Dec 3, 2021, 11:23 AM -0500, Ralf Mardorf <>, wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Dec 2021 08:12:04 -0600, Valeri Galtsev wrote:
> > I kept repeating to myself: the people do deserve the government they
> > have.
> Hi Valeri,
> this isn't necessarily true. The keyword is "colonialism", not
> only related to China, but as an example, let's stay with China. Why do
> people from Hong Kong deserve what's happening there?
> Regards,
> Ralf