Re: dns/bind916 builds rust unexpectedly

From: George Mitchell <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 20:39:06 UTC
On 9/25/23 16:29, Patrick M. Hausen wrote:
> [...]
> really not intending to be the wise guy, but if you have any significant
> number of machines to manage and special package requirements,
> please by all means run poudriere. It's a marvelous piece of software.
> We went that way early 2017 and never looked back.
> [...]

I tried it when it was first made available and it caused a crash of
the whole system.  No doubt it is much better now, but it's also a
huge heavyweight operation by my standards, and my unapproved method
(update packages when they develop security problems, using partmaster)
works well enough for me.                                    -- George