Re: Unmaintained FreeBSD ports which are out of date

From: Shane Ambler <FreeBSD_at_ShaneWare.Biz>
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2023 23:55:56 UTC
On 7/3/23 07:17, Michael Gmelin wrote:
>> On 6. Mar 2023, at 21:29, Dave Horsfall <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 6 Mar 2023, wrote:
>> [...]
>>> ------------------------------------------------+-----------------+------------
>>> cad/ifcopenshell                                | 0.6.0           | blenderbim-230306
>>> ------------------------------------------------+-----------------+------------
>> If "ifcopenshell" (whatever that is) is so unstable as to require daily
>> patches then perhaps it should never have been released?  Or is this an
>> underhanded way to promote "blenderbim" (whatever that is)?
> Or maybe - just maybe - portscout accidentally picked up a branch as a new version?

ifcopenshell appears to provide a library for accessing cad data files.
Blenderbim is a blender addon to provide that file access to blender.

The confusion comes from from them existing in the same github repo even
though they each have their own website. It would appear that blenderbim
tagged releases are updates to the blender addon, not the base library.

And these daily builds are described as "daily developer testing build"

FreeBSD - the place to B...Software Developing

Shane Ambler