Reorganizing FreeBSD Ports Directory Structure for Non-X Window Managers and Wayland Support

From: NSD <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2023 19:44:55 UTC
Dear All,

FreeBSD could benefit from reorganizing its directory structure to accommodate non-X Window managers more effectively. Currently, these managers are all placed under the "x11" directories, which may not accurately represent their nature. A more intuitive approach could be to introduce a new "display" directory that encompasses various display managers. Here's a proposed reorganization:

  ├─ x11/
  │   └─...
  ├─ wayland/
  │   ├─ wayland-wm/
  │   └─ ...
  └─ arcan/
      └─ arcan-wm/
          └─ durden/

In this reorganized structure, all display-related components, including X Window managers, Wayland-related components, and "Arcan" with its window manager "durden," are grouped together under the "display" directory. This layout creates a more unified and intuitive organization for managing different types of display managers on FreeBSD.

Criticisms and alternative ideas are welcomed to refine and optimize this structure further.

Thank you.
Best Regards,