Re: using pkgs vs using a cms

From: Simon Wright <>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2022 03:36:07 UTC
On 24/03/2022 07:10, tech-lists wrote:
> What's the advantage in updating a port over using its own ecosystem?


> Drupal releases updates seemingly every month. Right now,
> ports is at 9.3.7 yet the latest is 9.3.9. 9.3.7 has two current CVEs
> for -core, according to their website.


> Do others install then use drupal in the same fashion?

For me there is no advantage in using ports for (in particular) drupal
and I dropped my package usage for that when I moved my local install
from drupal 7 to 9. With composer for drupal 8/9 updating nightly is a
small script or as needed.

I imagine that anyone who can install a drupal package can also use
composer which in my use case is simpler and quicker. By the time I
receive the all-to-regular security notifications my local install has
usually been updated. My live (web) drupal7 install still has to be
updated manually since I can't use a package or a script there and for
that reason I'll leave it on drupal 7 as long as it's supported - until
28 November 2022 - and then probably migrate to Wordpress or something
that can manage its own updates.

The documentation for drupal and composer is much better than it used to
be, though I still need to look up usage if I need to do anything manually!

Just my two cents worth . . . .

Simon Wright