Re: Troubles booting Pi2 from USB using bootcode.bin method

From: bob prohaska <>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 19:16:35 UTC
To make a clean start on this thread I've turned on the UART
for bootcode.bin per Mark's instructions and done a few boot
attempts with the USB2 and USB3 mechanical disks, singly and
in unison.

The bootlogs are in

An immediate curiosity is that on the first try, booting
with the USB3 device alone worked. I didn't record that
output, unfortunately. The second attempt failed, as expected,
and is recorded in bootlog-fail. The third attempt booted both
USB2 and USB3 disks together, recorded in bootlog.success.

I'm trying to build u-boot-rpi2 and will try to update the USB3
disk with it once complete. 

The actual boot sequence using bootcode.bin is still a bit hazy:
Is it microSD/dos -> USB/dos ->USB/freebsd ? 

Thanks for reading!

bob prohaska