x11-toolkits/qt5-declarative Project ERROR

From: Janos Dohanics <web_at_3dresearch.com>
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2021 20:50:39 UTC

trying to update emulators/virtualbox-ose which appears to depend on

However, I get:

cd testlib/ && ( test -e Makefile || /usr/local/lib/qt5/bin/qmake -o Makefile /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/qt5-declarative/work/qtdeclarative-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/imports/testlib/testlib.pro -spec /usr/local/lib/qt5/mkspecs/freebsd-clang QMAKE_CC=cc QMAKE_CXX=c++ QMAKE_LINK_C=cc QMAKE_LINK_C_SHLIB=cc QMAKE_LINK=c++ QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB=c++ 'QMAKE_CFLAGS=-O2 -pipe  -fstack-protector-strong -fno-strict-aliasing ' 'QMAKE_CXXFLAGS=-O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-strict-aliasing  ' 'QMAKE_LFLAGS= -Wl,--as-needed -fstack-protector-strong ' QMAKE_LIBS= QMAKE_CFLAGS_DEBUG= QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE= QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG= QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE= PREFIX=/usr/local CONFIG+=release 'CONFIG-=debug separate_debug_info' QT_CONFIG+=release 'QT_CONFIG-=debug separate_debug_info' DEFINES+=QT_ACCESSIBILITY 'QT_CONFIG+=accessibility accessibility-atspi-bridge' ) && /usr/bin/make -f Makefile all
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: qmltest-private
*** Error code 3

Here is the full build log:


# uname -Kmor
FreeBSD 11.4-STABLE amd64 1104511

# portversion -v
[Reading data from pkg(8) ... - 518 packages found - done]
aalib-1.4.r5_13             =  up-to-date with port 
adwaita-icon-theme-3.22.0   <  needs updating (port has 40.1.1) 
apcupsd-3.14.14_2           <  needs updating (port has 3.14.14_4) 
appres-1.0.5                =  up-to-date with port 
apr-           =  up-to-date with port 
argyllcms-1.9.2_2           <  needs updating (port has 1.9.2_5) 
at-spi2-atk-2.24.0          <  needs updating (port has 2.34.2) 
at-spi2-core-2.36.0         =  up-to-date with port 
atk-2.36.0                  =  up-to-date with port 
autoconf-2.69_3             =  up-to-date with port 
autoconf-wrapper-20131203   =  up-to-date with port 
autoconf213-2.13.000227_7   =  up-to-date with port 
automake-1.16.4             =  up-to-date with port 
avahi-app-0.8               =  up-to-date with port 
bash-5.1.8                  =  up-to-date with port 
bash-completion-2.11,2      =  up-to-date with port 
bdftopcf-1.1_2              =  up-to-date with port 
binutils-2.37_1,1           =  up-to-date with port 
bison-3.7.6,1               =  up-to-date with port 
bitmap-1.0.9                =  up-to-date with port 
boost-jam-1.72.0            =  up-to-date with port 
boost-libs-1.72.0_5         =  up-to-date with port 
ca_root_nss-3.69_1          =  up-to-date with port 
cabextract-1.9.1            =  up-to-date with port 
cairo-1.17.4,3              =  up-to-date with port 
check-0.14.0                <  needs updating (port has 0.15.2) 
cmake-3.21.3                =  up-to-date with port 
cmocka-1.1.5                =  up-to-date with port 
colord-1.2.12               <  needs updating (port has 1.3.5_1) 
consolekit2-1.2.0           <  needs updating (port has 1.2.4) 
cups-2.3.3op2               =  up-to-date with port 
curl-7.79.1                 =  up-to-date with port 
cyrus-sasl-2.1.27_2         =  up-to-date with port 
db5-5.3.28_7                =  up-to-date with port 
dbus-1.12.20_5              =  up-to-date with port 
dbus-glib-0.112             =  up-to-date with port 
dejavu-2.37_1               =  up-to-date with port 
desktop-file-utils-0.23     <  needs updating (port has 0.26) 
dialog4ports-0.1.6          <  needs updating (port has 0.1.6_1) 
docbook-1.5                 =  up-to-date with port 
docbook-sgml-4.5_1          =  up-to-date with port 
docbook-xml-5.0_3           =  up-to-date with port 
docbook-xsl-1.79.1_1,1      =  up-to-date with port 
double-conversion-  =  up-to-date with port 
encodings-1.0.5,1           =  up-to-date with port 
etc_os-release-0.1_3        =  up-to-date with port 
evdev-proto-5.8             =  up-to-date with port 
expat-2.4.1                 =  up-to-date with port 
font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3_4   =  up-to-date with port 
font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3_4    =  up-to-date with port 
font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4_4  =  up-to-date with port 
font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4_4  =  up-to-date with port 
font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4_4  =  up-to-date with port 
font-alias-1.0.3_3          <  needs updating (port has 1.0.4) 
font-arabic-misc-1.0.3_4    =  up-to-date with port 
font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3_4      =  up-to-date with port 
font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3_4       =  up-to-date with port 
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3_4  =  up-to-date with port 
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3_4  =  up-to-date with port 
font-bh-ttf-1.0.3_4         =  up-to-date with port 
font-bh-type1-1.0.3_4       =  up-to-date with port 
font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3_4  =  up-to-date with port 
font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3_4  =  up-to-date with port 
font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3_4  =  up-to-date with port 
font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3_4  =  up-to-date with port 
font-cursor-misc-1.0.3_4    =  up-to-date with port 
font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3_4    =  up-to-date with port 
font-dec-misc-1.0.3_4       =  up-to-date with port 
font-ibm-type1-1.0.3_4      =  up-to-date with port 
font-isas-misc-1.0.3_4      =  up-to-date with port 
font-jis-misc-1.0.3_4       =  up-to-date with port 
font-micro-misc-1.0.3_4     =  up-to-date with port 
font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3_4  =  up-to-date with port 
font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.4    =  up-to-date with port 
font-misc-meltho-1.0.3_4    =  up-to-date with port 
font-misc-misc-1.1.2_4      =  up-to-date with port 
font-mutt-misc-1.0.3_4      =  up-to-date with port 
font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2_4  =  up-to-date with port 
font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4_4  =  up-to-date with port 
font-sony-misc-1.0.3_4      =  up-to-date with port 
font-sun-misc-1.0.3_4       =  up-to-date with port 
font-util-1.3.2             =  up-to-date with port 
font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3_4  =  up-to-date with port 
font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4_4  =  up-to-date with port 
fontconfig-2.13.94_1,1      =  up-to-date with port 
freeglut-3.0.0_2            <  needs updating (port has 3.2.1) 
freetype2-2.11.0            =  up-to-date with port 
fribidi-1.0.10              =  up-to-date with port 
gamin-0.1.10_10             =  up-to-date with port 
gcc-ecj-4.5                 =  up-to-date with port 
gcc10-10.3.0                =  up-to-date with port 
gccmakedep-1.0.3            =  up-to-date with port 
gdbm-1.21                   =  up-to-date with port 
gdk-pixbuf2-2.40.0          =  up-to-date with port 
getopt-1.1.6                =  up-to-date with port 
gettext-runtime-0.21        =  up-to-date with port 
gettext-tools-0.21          =  up-to-date with port 
ghostscript9-agpl-base-9.52_19  =  up-to-date with port 
giflib-5.2.1                =  up-to-date with port 
gle-3.1.0_7                 <  needs updating (port has 3.1.0_8) 
glib-2.70.0,2               =  up-to-date with port 
gmake-4.3_2                 =  up-to-date with port 
gmp-6.2.1                   =  up-to-date with port 
gnome-pty-helper-0.40.2     =  up-to-date with port 
gnome-themes-standard-3.22.3  <  needs updating (port has 3.28_2) (=> 'x11-themes/gnome-themes-extra')
gnome_subr-1.0              =  up-to-date with port 
gnutls-3.6.16               =  up-to-date with port 
gobject-introspection-1.66.1,1  =  up-to-date with port 
gperf-3.1                   =  up-to-date with port 
gpicview-0.2.5              =  up-to-date with port 
graphite2-1.3.14            =  up-to-date with port 
graphviz-2.42.3             <  needs updating (port has 2.44.1_15) 
gsoap-2.8.117_1             =  up-to-date with port 
gtar-1.34                   =  up-to-date with port 
gtk-doc-1.33.2              =  up-to-date with port 
gtk-update-icon-cache-3.24.26  =  up-to-date with port 
gtk2-2.24.33                =  up-to-date with port 
gtk3-3.22.29                <  needs updating (port has 3.24.30) 
harfbuzz-3.0.0              =  up-to-date with port 
help2man-1.48.5             =  up-to-date with port 
hicolor-icon-theme-0.17     =  up-to-date with port 
highlight-3.43_8,3          <  needs updating (port has 4.1,3) 
html2text-1.3.2a,1          =  up-to-date with port 
iceauth-1.0.8_2             =  up-to-date with port 
icu-69.1,1                  =  up-to-date with port 
imake-1.0.8,1               =  up-to-date with port 
imlib2-1.5.1,2              <  needs updating (port has 1.7.0,2) 
indexinfo-0.3.1             =  up-to-date with port 
intltool-0.51.0_1           =  up-to-date with port 
iso8879-1986_3              =  up-to-date with port 
itstool-2.0.6               =  up-to-date with port 
jade-1.2.1_10               =  up-to-date with port 
jam-2.6                     =  up-to-date with port 
jansson-2.14                =  up-to-date with port 
jasper-2.0.33               =  up-to-date with port 
jbig2dec-0.19               =  up-to-date with port 
jbigkit-2.1_1               =  up-to-date with port 
jpeg-turbo-2.1.1            =  up-to-date with port 
jsoncpp-1.9.4               =  up-to-date with port 
kBuild-0.1.9998_14          =  up-to-date with port 
keybinder-0.3.1_5           =  up-to-date with port 
lcms2-2.9                   <  needs updating (port has 2.12) 
leafpad-          =  up-to-date with port 
libFS-1.0.8                 =  up-to-date with port 
libGLU-9.0.2_1              =  up-to-date with port 
libICE-1.0.10,1             =  up-to-date with port 
libIDL-0.8.14_5             =  up-to-date with port 
libSM-1.2.3,1               =  up-to-date with port 
libX11-1.7.2,1              =  up-to-date with port 
libXScrnSaver-1.2.3_2       =  up-to-date with port 
libXau-1.0.9                =  up-to-date with port 
libXaw-1.0.13_3,2           <  needs updating (port has 1.0.14,2) 
libXcomposite-0.4.5,1       =  up-to-date with port 
libXcursor-1.2.0            =  up-to-date with port 
libXdamage-1.1.5            =  up-to-date with port 
libXdmcp-1.1.3              =  up-to-date with port 
libXext-1.3.4,1             =  up-to-date with port 
libXfixes-5.0.3_2           =  up-to-date with port 
libXfont-1.5.4_2,2          =  up-to-date with port 
libXfont2-2.0.5             =  up-to-date with port 
libXft-2.3.3                =  up-to-date with port 
libXi-1.7.10,1              =  up-to-date with port 
libXinerama-1.1.4_2,1       =  up-to-date with port 
libXmu-1.1.3,1              =  up-to-date with port 
libXpm-3.5.13               =  up-to-date with port 
libXrandr-1.5.2             =  up-to-date with port 
libXrender-0.9.10_2         =  up-to-date with port 
libXres-1.2.0_2             <  needs updating (port has 1.2.1) 
libXt-1.2.1,1               =  up-to-date with port 
libXtst-1.2.3_2             =  up-to-date with port 
libXv-1.0.11_2,1            =  up-to-date with port 
libXvMC-1.0.12              =  up-to-date with port 
libXxf86dga-1.1.5           =  up-to-date with port 
libXxf86vm-1.1.4_3          =  up-to-date with port 
libarchive-3.5.1,1          =  up-to-date with port 
libcroco-0.6.13             =  up-to-date with port 
libdaemon-0.14_1            =  up-to-date with port 
libdmx-1.1.4_2              =  up-to-date with port 
libdrm-2.4.107_1,1          =  up-to-date with port 
libedit-3.1.20210216,1      =  up-to-date with port 
libepoll-shim-0.0.20210418  =  up-to-date with port 
libepoxy-1.5.9              =  up-to-date with port 
libevdev-     =  up-to-date with port 
libevent-2.1.12             =  up-to-date with port 
libexif-0.6.23              =  up-to-date with port 
libffi-3.3_1                =  up-to-date with port 
libfm-1.2.5                 <  needs updating (port has 1.3.2_1) 
libfm-extra-1.2.5           <  needs updating (port has 1.3.2_1) 
libfontenc-1.1.4            =  up-to-date with port 
libgcrypt-1.9.4             =  up-to-date with port 
libgd-2.2.5_2,1             <  needs updating (port has 2.3.1,1) 
libglade2-2.6.4_10          =  up-to-date with port 
libglvnd-1.3.4              =  up-to-date with port 
libgpg-error-1.42           =  up-to-date with port 
libgsf-1.14.46              <  needs updating (port has 1.14.47_1) 
libgudev-234                =  up-to-date with port 
libiconv-1.16               =  up-to-date with port 
libid3tag-0.15.1b_1         <  needs updating (port has 0.15.1b_2) 
libidn-1.35                 =  up-to-date with port 
libidn2-2.3.2               =  up-to-date with port 
libinotify-20180201_2       =  up-to-date with port 
libinput-1.16.4             =  up-to-date with port 
libltdl-2.4.6               =  up-to-date with port 
liblz4-1.9.3,1              =  up-to-date with port 
libmtdev-1.1.6              =  up-to-date with port 
libnghttp2-1.44.0           =  up-to-date with port 
libpaper-           =  up-to-date with port 
libpciaccess-0.16           =  up-to-date with port 
libpthread-stubs-0.4        =  up-to-date with port 
librsvg2-2.40.21            =  up-to-date with port 
libsunacl-1.0.1             =  up-to-date with port 
libtasn1-4.17.0             =  up-to-date with port 
libtextstyle-0.21           =  up-to-date with port 
libtool-2.4.6_1             =  up-to-date with port 
libudev-devd-0.5.0          =  up-to-date with port 
libunistring-0.9.10_1       =  up-to-date with port 
libunwind-20201110          =  up-to-date with port 
libuv-1.42.0                =  up-to-date with port 
libvncserver-0.9.13_1       =  up-to-date with port 
libwacom-1.5                =  up-to-date with port 
libwnck-2.30.7_1            =  up-to-date with port 
libxcb-1.14_1               =  up-to-date with port 
libxkbcommon-1.3.1          =  up-to-date with port 
libxkbfile-1.1.0            =  up-to-date with port 
libxml2-2.9.12              =  up-to-date with port 
libxshmfence-1.3_1          =  up-to-date with port 
libxslt-1.1.34_2            =  up-to-date with port 
libyaml-0.2.2               <  needs updating (port has 0.2.5) 
llvm11-11.0.1_2             =  up-to-date with port 
llvm12-12.0.1_5             =  up-to-date with port 
llvm70-7.0.1_4              <  needs updating (port has 7.0.1_6) 
llvm80-8.0.1_3              <  needs updating (port has 8.0.1_5) 
lmdb-0.9.29,1               =  up-to-date with port 
lua52-5.2.4                 =  up-to-date with port 
lua53-5.3.6                 =  up-to-date with port 
luit-20190106               <  needs updating (port has 20210218) 
lxappearance-0.6.3          =  up-to-date with port 
lxappearance-obconf-0.2.3   <  needs updating (port has 0.2.3_1) 
lxde-common-0.99.2          <  needs updating (port has 0.99.2_1) 
lxde-icon-theme-0.5.1       =  up-to-date with port 
lxde-meta-1.0_8             =  up-to-date with port 
lxhotkey-0.1.0              <  needs updating (port has 0.1.1) 
lxinput-0.3.5               =  up-to-date with port 
lxmenu-data-0.1.5           =  up-to-date with port 
lxpanel-0.9.3               =  up-to-date with port 
lxrandr-0.3.1               <  needs updating (port has 0.3.2) 
lxsession-0.5.3_1           <  needs updating (port has 0.5.4) 
lxtask-0.1.4_3              <  needs updating (port has 0.1.10) 
lxterminal-0.3.1            <  needs updating (port has 0.4.0) 
lzo2-2.10_1                 =  up-to-date with port 
m4-1.4.19,1                 =  up-to-date with port 
makedepend-1.0.6,1          =  up-to-date with port 
menu-cache-1.1.0            =  up-to-date with port 
mesa-dri-21.1.5             =  up-to-date with port 
mesa-libs-21.1.5_2          =  up-to-date with port 
meson-0.59.1                =  up-to-date with port 
minixmlto-0.0.3             =  up-to-date with port 
mkfontscale-1.2.1           =  up-to-date with port 
mpc-1.2.1                   =  up-to-date with port 
mpdecimal-2.5.1             =  up-to-date with port 
mpfr-4.1.0_1                =  up-to-date with port 
mtr-0.92                    <  needs updating (port has 0.94_1) 
nasm-2.15.05,1              =  up-to-date with port 
netpbm-10.89.01             <  needs updating (port has 10.91.01) 
nettle-3.7.3                =  up-to-date with port 
ninja-1.10.2,2              =  up-to-date with port 
nspr-4.32                   =  up-to-date with port 
obconf-2.0.4_2              =  up-to-date with port 
openbox-3.6_3               <  needs updating (port has 3.6_7) 
openldap24-client-2.4.59_2  =  up-to-date with port 
openssl-1.1.1l,1            =  up-to-date with port 
p11-kit-0.24.0              =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Authen-NTLM-1.09_1       =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Clone-0.45               =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Digest-HMAC-1.04         =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Encode-Locale-1.05       =  up-to-date with port 
p5-File-Listing-6.14        =  up-to-date with port 
p5-HTML-Parser-3.76_1       =  up-to-date with port 
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20_1       =  up-to-date with port 
p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.10        =  up-to-date with port 
p5-HTTP-Daemon-6.12         =  up-to-date with port 
p5-HTTP-Date-6.05           =  up-to-date with port 
p5-HTTP-Message-6.33        =  up-to-date with port 
p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01_1    =  up-to-date with port 
p5-IO-HTML-1.004            =  up-to-date with port 
p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.72_1   =  up-to-date with port 
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.072      =  up-to-date with port 
p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04      =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Locale-gettext-1.07      =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Locale-libintl-1.32      =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Mozilla-CA-20200520      =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Net-HTTP-6.21            =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.90          =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Parse-Yapp-1.21          =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Socket6-0.29             =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Text-Unidecode-1.30      =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Time-Local-1.30          =  up-to-date with port 
p5-TimeDate-2.33,1          =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Try-Tiny-0.30            =  up-to-date with port 
p5-URI-5.09                 =  up-to-date with port 
p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-12.0  =  up-to-date with port 
p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02_1    =  up-to-date with port 
p5-XML-Parser-2.44          =  up-to-date with port 
p5-libwww-6.57              =  up-to-date with port 
pango-1.48.7                =  up-to-date with port 
pciids-20210829             =  up-to-date with port 
pcmanfm-1.2.5               <  needs updating (port has 1.3.2) 
pcre-8.45                   =  up-to-date with port 
pcre2-10.37                 =  up-to-date with port 
perl5-5.32.1_1              =  up-to-date with port 
pixman-0.40.0_1             =  up-to-date with port 
pkg-1.17.2                  =  up-to-date with port 
pkgconf-1.7.4,1             =  up-to-date with port 
png-1.6.37_1                =  up-to-date with port 
polkit-0.119                =  up-to-date with port 
poppler-data-0.4.11         =  up-to-date with port 
popt-1.18_1                 =  up-to-date with port 
portupgrade-2.4.16,2        =  up-to-date with port 
postfix-3.6.2_1,1           =  up-to-date with port 
py38-Babel-2.9.1            =  up-to-date with port 
py38-CommonMark-0.9.1       =  up-to-date with port 
py38-Jinja2-3.0.1           =  up-to-date with port 
py38-alabaster-0.7.12       =  up-to-date with port 
py38-asn1crypto-1.4.0       =  up-to-date with port 
py38-beaker-1.11.0          =  up-to-date with port 
py38-cairo-1.18.1_2,1       =  up-to-date with port 
py38-certifi-2021.5.30      =  up-to-date with port 
py38-cffi-1.14.6            =  up-to-date with port 
py38-chardet-4.0.0,1        =  up-to-date with port 
py38-cryptography-2.9.2     =  up-to-date with port 
py38-cython-0.29.24         =  up-to-date with port 
py38-dnspython-1.16.0       =  up-to-date with port 
py38-docutils-0.17.1        =  up-to-date with port 
py38-evdev-1.4.0            =  up-to-date with port 
py38-future-0.18.2          =  up-to-date with port 
py38-gi-docgen-2021.5_1     =  up-to-date with port 
py38-idna-2.10              =  up-to-date with port 
py38-imagesize-1.2.0        =  up-to-date with port 
py38-importlib-metadata-4.7.1  =  up-to-date with port 
py38-iso8601-0.1.16         =  up-to-date with port 
py38-libxml2-2.9.12         =  up-to-date with port 
py38-lxml-4.6.3             =  up-to-date with port 
py38-mako-1.0.14_1          =  up-to-date with port 
py38-markdown-3.3.4         =  up-to-date with port 
py38-markupsafe-2.0.1       =  up-to-date with port 
py38-openssl-19.1.0,1       =  up-to-date with port 
py38-packaging-21.0         =  up-to-date with port 
py38-pycparser-2.20         =  up-to-date with port 
py38-pygments-2.7.2         =  up-to-date with port 
py38-pyparsing-2.4.7        =  up-to-date with port 
py38-pysocks-1.7.1          =  up-to-date with port 
py38-pystemmer-2.0.1        =  up-to-date with port 
py38-pytest-runner-5.3.1    =  up-to-date with port 
py38-pytz-2021.1,1          =  up-to-date with port 
py38-pyudev-0.22.0          =  up-to-date with port 
py38-recommonmark-0.5.0_2   =  up-to-date with port 
py38-requests-2.25.1        =  up-to-date with port 
py38-setuptools-57.0.0      =  up-to-date with port 
py38-setuptools_scm-4.1.2_2  =  up-to-date with port 
py38-six-1.16.0             =  up-to-date with port 
py38-smartypants-2.0.1      =  up-to-date with port 
py38-snowballstemmer-2.1.0  =  up-to-date with port 
py38-sphinx-3.5.2,1         =  up-to-date with port 
py38-sphinxcontrib-applehelp-1.0.2  =  up-to-date with port 
py38-sphinxcontrib-devhelp-1.0.2  =  up-to-date with port 
py38-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-1.0.3  =  up-to-date with port 
py38-sphinxcontrib-jsmath-1.0.1  =  up-to-date with port 
py38-sphinxcontrib-qthelp-1.0.3  =  up-to-date with port 
py38-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.4  =  up-to-date with port 
py38-sphinxcontrib-websupport-1.2.4  =  up-to-date with port 
py38-toml-0.10.2            =  up-to-date with port 
py38-typogrify-2.0.7        =  up-to-date with port 
py38-urllib3-1.26.7,1       =  up-to-date with port 
py38-zipp-3.4.0             =  up-to-date with port 
python27-2.7.18_1           =  up-to-date with port 
python37-3.7.12             =  up-to-date with port 
python38-3.8.12             =  up-to-date with port 
qt5-buildtools-5.15.2_2     =  up-to-date with port 
qt5-core-5.15.2_5           =  up-to-date with port 
qt5-dbus-5.15.2_1           =  up-to-date with port 
qt5-gui-5.15.2_7            =  up-to-date with port 
qt5-network-5.15.2_1        =  up-to-date with port 
qt5-opengl-5.15.2_2         =  up-to-date with port 
qt5-printsupport-5.15.2_1   =  up-to-date with port 
qt5-qmake-5.15.2_1          =  up-to-date with port 
qt5-sql-5.15.2_1            =  up-to-date with port 
qt5-testlib-5.15.2_1        =  up-to-date with port 
qt5-widgets-5.15.2_3        =  up-to-date with port 
qt5-x11extras-5.15.2_1      =  up-to-date with port 
qt5-xml-5.15.2_1            =  up-to-date with port 
rarian-0.8.1_6              =  up-to-date with port 
readline-8.1.1              =  up-to-date with port 
rgb-1.0.6_2                 =  up-to-date with port 
rhash-1.4.2                 =  up-to-date with port 
rsync-3.2.3_1               =  up-to-date with port 
ruby-2.7.4,1                =  up-to-date with port 
ruby27-bdb-0.6.6_8          =  up-to-date with port 
ruby27-gems-3.0.8           =  up-to-date with port 
rubygem-rdoc-6.3.2          =  up-to-date with port 
rust-1.55.0                 =  up-to-date with port 
rust-cbindgen-0.20.0_2      =  up-to-date with port 
samba412-4.12.15_2          =  up-to-date with port 
scons-py38-4.2.0            =  up-to-date with port 
sdl-1.2.15_15,2             =  up-to-date with port 
sdocbook-xml-1.1_2,2        =  up-to-date with port 
serf-1.3.9_6                =  up-to-date with port 
sessreg-1.1.2               =  up-to-date with port 
setxkbmap-1.3.2             =  up-to-date with port 
shared-mime-info-2.0        =  up-to-date with port 
smartmontools-7.1           <  needs updating (port has 7.2_1) 
smproxy-1.0.6               =  up-to-date with port 
spidermonkey78-78.9.0_1     =  up-to-date with port 
sqlite3-3.35.5_3,1          =  up-to-date with port 
startup-notification-0.12_4  =  up-to-date with port 
subversion-1.14.1           =  up-to-date with port 
sudo-1.9.8p1                =  up-to-date with port 
swig-4.0.2                  =  up-to-date with port 
swig30-3.0.12               <  needs updating (port has 4.0.2) (=> 'devel/swig')
talloc-2.3.1                =  up-to-date with port 
tcl86-8.6.11_2              =  up-to-date with port 
tdb-1.4.3,1                 =  up-to-date with port 
tevent-0.10.2_1             =  up-to-date with port 
texinfo-6.8,1               =  up-to-date with port 
tiff-4.3.0                  =  up-to-date with port 
tigervnc-server-1.10.1      <  needs updating (port has 1.11.0_3) 
tpm-emulator-0.7.4_2        =  up-to-date with port 
tradcpp-0.5.3               =  up-to-date with port 
trousers-0.3.14_3           =  up-to-date with port 
twm-1.0.10                  <  needs updating (port has 1.0.11_1) 
unique-1.1.6_7              =  up-to-date with port 
utf8proc-2.6.1              =  up-to-date with port 
vala-0.40.15,1              <  needs updating (port has 0.48.18,1) 
vim-console-8.2.0076        <  needs updating (port has 8.2.3394_1) (=> 'editors/vim')
virtualbox-ose-5.2.34       <  needs updating (port has 6.1.26_2) 
virtualbox-ose-kmod-6.1.26  =  up-to-date with port 
vte-0.28.2_3                =  up-to-date with port 
vulkan-headers-    <  needs updating (port has 1.2.194) (=> 'graphics/vulkan-headers')
wayland-1.19.0_1            =  up-to-date with port 
wayland-protocols-1.23      =  up-to-date with port 
webfonts-0.30_14            =  up-to-date with port 
webp-1.1.0                  <  needs updating (port has 1.2.1) 
x11perf-1.6.1               =  up-to-date with port 
xauth-1.1                   =  up-to-date with port 
xbacklight-1.2.3            =  up-to-date with port 
xbitmaps-1.1.2              =  up-to-date with port 
xcalc-1.1.0                 =  up-to-date with port 
xcb-proto-1.14.1            =  up-to-date with port 
xcb-util-0.4.0_2,1          =  up-to-date with port 
xcb-util-image-0.4.0_1      =  up-to-date with port 
xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.0_1    =  up-to-date with port 
xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.9_1  =  up-to-date with port 
xcb-util-wm-0.4.1_3         =  up-to-date with port 
xclock-1.0.9                =  up-to-date with port 
xcmsdb-1.0.5                =  up-to-date with port 
xconsole-1.0.7_1            =  up-to-date with port 
xcursor-themes-1.0.4_2      <  needs updating (port has 1.0.6) 
xcursorgen-1.0.7            =  up-to-date with port 
xdg-utils-1.1.3_1           =  up-to-date with port 
xdpyinfo-1.3.2_3            =  up-to-date with port 
xdriinfo-1.0.6_3            <  needs updating (port has 1.0.6_4) 
xev-1.2.3                   <  needs updating (port has 1.2.4) 
xf86-input-keyboard-1.9.0_3  <  needs updating (port has 1.9.0_4) 
xf86-input-mouse-1.9.3_2    <  needs updating (port has 1.9.3_3) 
xf86-video-scfb-0.0.4_7     <  needs updating (port has 0.0.5_2) 
xf86-video-vesa-2.4.0_2     <  needs updating (port has 2.5.0) 
xf86dga-1.0.3_1             =  up-to-date with port 
xgamma-1.0.6                =  up-to-date with port 
xgc-1.0.5                   =  up-to-date with port 
xhost-1.0.8                 =  up-to-date with port 
xinit-1.4.1,1               =  up-to-date with port 
xinput-1.6.3                =  up-to-date with port 
xkbcomp-1.4.4               =  up-to-date with port 
xkbevd-1.1.4                =  up-to-date with port 
xkbutils-1.0.4_2            =  up-to-date with port 
xkeyboard-config-2.32       =  up-to-date with port 
xkill-1.0.5                 =  up-to-date with port 
xlsatoms-1.1.3              =  up-to-date with port 
xlsclients-1.1.4            =  up-to-date with port 
xmessage-1.0.5              =  up-to-date with port 
xmlcatmgr-2.2_2             =  up-to-date with port 
xmlcharent-0.3_2            =  up-to-date with port 
xmodmap-1.0.10              =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-7.7_3                  =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-apps-7.7_4             =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-cf-files-1.0.6         =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-docs-1.7.1,1           =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-drivers-7.7_5          <  needs updating (port has 7.7_6) 
xorg-fonts-100dpi-7.7       =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-fonts-7.7_1            =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-fonts-75dpi-7.7        =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-fonts-cyrillic-7.7     =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps-7.7  =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-fonts-truetype-7.7_1   =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-fonts-type1-7.7        =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-libraries-7.7_4        =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-macros-1.19.3          =  up-to-date with port 
xorg-server-1.20.11_3,1     =  up-to-date with port 
xorgproto-2021.4            =  up-to-date with port 
xpr-1.0.5                   =  up-to-date with port 
xprop-1.2.5                 =  up-to-date with port 
xrandr-1.5.1                =  up-to-date with port 
xrdb-1.2.0                  =  up-to-date with port 
xrefresh-1.0.6              =  up-to-date with port 
xset-1.2.4_3                =  up-to-date with port 
xsetroot-1.1.2              =  up-to-date with port 
xterm-353_1                 <  needs updating (port has 369) 
xtrans-1.4.0                =  up-to-date with port 
xvinfo-1.1.4                =  up-to-date with port 
xwd-1.0.7                   =  up-to-date with port 
xwininfo-1.1.5              =  up-to-date with port 
xwud-1.0.5                  =  up-to-date with port 
xxhash-0.8.0                =  up-to-date with port 
yasm-1.3.0                  =  up-to-date with port 
yelp-tools-40.0             =  up-to-date with port 
yelp-xsl-40.2               =  up-to-date with port 
zfsnap2-2.0.0.b3_1          <  needs updating (port has 2.0.0.b3_3) 
zip-3.0_1                   =  up-to-date with port 
zstd-1.5.0                  =  up-to-date with port

Would you please advise?

Janos Dohanics