[Bug 276006] security/metasploit: msfconsole fails to start on fresh install

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2024 14:34:36 UTC

--- Comment #3 from tanawts@gmail.com ---
After further investigation, the fix will likely require more than just a doc
update.  The reason that the bundle install command referenced works because it
is installing  newer versions of the rubygem dependencies than are referenced
by the Metasploit port.

I am attempting to update all of the referenced deps on my dev system to
determine if that resolves the issue.

Some of those dependent ports will likely need to be upgraded as well and if
so, I will submit port update patches for each as needed.

Thank you for your patience

P.S. if you need a workaround in the meantime and wish to run msfconsole as a
non-priv user, there are some steps required:

As the non-priv user, you will need to set your Ruby GEM_HOME Path to your home
export GEM_HOME="$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')"
export PATH="$GEM_HOME/bin:$PATH"

Then, run "bundle install" from the /usr/local/share/metasploit directory:
cd /usr/local/share/metasploit && bundle install

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