[Bug 265830] [PATCH] x11-wm/nscde: Update to 2.2

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2022 09:51:09 UTC

            Bug ID: 265830
           Summary: [PATCH] x11-wm/nscde: Update to 2.2
           Product: Ports & Packages
           Version: Latest
          Hardware: Any
                OS: Any
            Status: New
          Severity: Affects Only Me
          Priority: ---
         Component: Individual Port(s)
          Assignee: ports-bugs@FreeBSD.org
          Reporter: freebsd@ny-central.org

As outlined in summary: update to version 2.2.

Please be advised, due to changes in the build system, multiple patch files had
to be removed from the port. The following commands need to be executed after
applying the patch for a full clean up of empty patches in the "files"

rm x11-wm/nscde/files/patch-NsCDE_*
rm x11-wm/nscde/files/patch-docbook_NsCDE.x*
rm x11-wm/nscde/files/patch-src_*

Overall summary of changes as listed by git:
On branch 2022Q3
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/2022Q3'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
        new file:   files/patch-Makefile.in
        new file:   files/patch-UPDATE__2x.txt

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   Makefile
        modified:   distinfo
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_bin_get__fvwm__infostore
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_bin_getfont
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_bin_mkpagemenu
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_bin_nscde
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_bin_nscde__colorpicker
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_bin_xdowrapper
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_config_NsCDE-FrontPanel.conf
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_config_NsCDE-Main.conf
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_libexec_Splash.sh
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_libexec_colormgr
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_libexec_fontmgr
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_libexec_fp__manage__subpanel
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_libexec_fvwm-modules_FvwmScript
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_libexec_generate__subpanels
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_libexec_nscde__setup
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_libexec_strip__icon__path
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_libexec_style__managers.shlib
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_libexec_subpanel__menuitem__props
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_libexec_themegen.py
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_share_doc_examples_doas.conf
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_share_doc_examples_sudo_006__PowerManager
        deleted:    files/patch-NsCDE_share_doc_examples_sudo_README
        deleted:    files/patch-docbook_NsCDE.xml
        deleted:    files/patch-docbook_NsCDE.xsl
        deleted:    files/patch-src_XOverrideFontCursor_Makefile
        deleted:    files/patch-src_colorpicker_Makefile
        deleted:    files/patch-src_pclock-0.13.1_src_Makefile
        modified:   pkg-message
        modified:   pkg-plist

Run logs of pourdriere for 12.3-RELEASE and 13.1-RELEASE will be uploaded

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You are the assignee for the bug.