Re: 15.0 pkgbase, heads up: cron, lpr packages

From: Chris <>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 02:09:44 UTC
On 2024-04-25 17:35, Lexi Winter wrote:
> Chris:
>> On 2024-04-25 16:33, Lexi Winter wrote:
>> > it's not essential: many jails don't need cron, for example.  i have
>> > several micro (service) jails that only run a single binary and don't
>> > need many things that would be considered essential on a normal
>> > multi-user system.
>> Indeed. A jail is not a jail is not a jail. There is a myriad of tasks
>> and services a jail can provide for. We run some 50+ for our needs. But
>> I never mentioned jail in the context of "essential" services. So I'm
>> not sure why we're talking about it. :)
> well, you asked why someone would want to remove cron -- 'building a
> small jail' is an example of why someone might want to do that.
Sure. Fair enough. :) I should have been more concise.

>  you
> could already do that today by removing FreeBSD-utilities (and just
> keeping FreeBSD-runtime) but the problem with that is FreeBSD-utilities
> includes a lot of other things you might still want.  so moving cron to
> its own package allows the user to pick and choose what they want to
> install with more granularity.
>> I'm puzzled as to the motivation to remove it from $BASE.
> to be clear, this only moves cron from one package (FreeBSD-utilities)
> to another (FreeBSD-cron) -- it's not being removed from the base
> system.  FreeBSD-utilities is already considered a non-essential
> package.
I see. I guess I'm just not following the "pkg" way of assembling a complete
system. I guess I should just continue using make(1) to build system images.
Thank you very much, Lexi, for taking the time to clarify. :)
I'll try to be less ignorant next time. ;)
