[Bug 275482] ports-mgmt/pkg: incorrectly complains about outdated os version

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 17:43:27 UTC

--- Comment #7 from Martin Birgmeier <d8zNeCFG@aon.at> ---
Yes indeed.

And the output is interesting:

[0]# file /usr/bin/uname
/usr/bin/uname: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (FreeBSD),
dynamically linked, interpreter /libexec/ld-elf.so.1, for FreeBSD 14.0
(1400500), FreeBSD-style, stripped
[0]# ll /usr/bin/uname
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root wheel 14336 Feb  9 20:49 /usr/bin/uname

So it says 1400500 although it has been installed with the build of
a727d8d7f50f. And the way I update the system is to first installkernel
installworld it to a temporary directory and then to copy over only the changed
files (this is so that dump(8)s and zvol changes are minimized). So uname must
have changed when I did the NO_CLEAN buildworld, but still it says "for FreeBSD
14.0 (1400500)".

Anyhow, does this mean that pkg fetches the system version from the uname
binary instead of getting the actual value from the running system?

-- Martin

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