how to use fib and bird
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Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2023 08:31:29 UTC
Hi, I'm trying to advertise and get routing info via BGP andbird in a distinct fib but it seems that bird is always trying to connect to peers on the Fib 0. I tried the following configuration: ``` protocol bgp transit_ipv4_1 { local A.B.C.1 as XXXX; neighbor A.B.C.0 as XXXX; default bgp_med 0; default bgp_local_pref 50; password "somepass"; ipv4 { import keep filtered; import filter ebgp_import; export filter ebgp_export; igp table enki_tabv4; next hop self; }; }; ``` where the enki_tabv4 should be populated via the kernel protocol: ``` protocol kernel enkiv4 { learn; kernel table 1; ipv4 { table enki_tabv4; import all; export filter export_kernel; }; } ``` I say "should be" because apparentlyit isn't and I get such error: ``` 2023-06-06 02:05:58.571 <TRACE> enkiv4: A.B.C.D/24: ignored 2023-06-06 02:05:58.571 <TRACE> enkiv4: A.B.C.D/32: [alien] ... 2023-06-06 02:05:58.571 <TRACE> enkiv4.ipv4 > added [best] A.B.C.D/32 0L 4G unicast 2023-06-06 02:05:58.571 <TRACE> enkiv4.ipv4 < rejected by protocol A.B.C.D/32 0L 4G unicast ``` How can I tell the bgp protocol to look at the routing info in the fib 1 to connect? Benoît