Re: Silent noise while running simple OSS program and moving mouse?

From: Hans Petter Selasky <>
Date: Sun, 16 May 2021 22:19:17 UTC
On 5/17/21 12:17 AM, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
> On 5/17/21 12:01 AM, Evgeniy Khramtsov via freebsd-multimedia wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I wrote this simple OSS program that outputs sound from microphone back
>> to the speakers (the close() and stuff is omitted):
>> It works, though for some reason I get some silent noise while moving
>> mouse around. Any ideas what could be wrong? Thanks.
> Hi,
> Are you using a professional balanced audio microphone? If no, then 
> information is leaking via ground on the mainboard :-(
> Been there done that :-)


A possible solution:

Use qaudiosonar to find the frequency.

Start virtual_oss with EQ support to filter away the frequency.