Re: qemu and mips64 - init died (signal 6, exit 0)

From: Eugene M. Zheganin <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2023 13:32:27 UTC

On 31.01.2023 17:58, Łukasz Moskała wrote:
> Some time ago I was trying to run FreeBSD on SRX240.
> I don't know about SRX300, but SRX240 has soldered-in flash that is connected via usb so I couldn't take image from that.
> I could load kernel over tftp and it started to boot, however:
> - it hung on initializing USB controller
> - when I removed USB support from kernel, it couldn't find root fs (as only storage media is attached via usb)
> I didn't get to any promising result. I was more or less trying to guess which configuration of kernel will work.
> If you want, I can search for commands that I used to load kernel over tftp and boot it. I couldn't get freebsd's loader to work, nor junos loader to load freebsd kernel from external USB drive. I just used u-boot (or j-loader) to load kernel from tftp to RAM, then boot it directly.
> BTW, openwrt did boot to initramfs(which I linked into kernel) and could run shell, 3 NICs were detected however none was mapped to any port on SRX.
> I guess some or all NICs that you will see in non-junos distributions are connected to ASIC only, and then ASIC handles VLANs.
> Also, you can try changing init to /bin/sh and see what will happen.
> Sorry for rather chaotic message, this was more than year ago and I don't remember this exactly.
> I hope something from here helps you and email me if you have any further questions.

Thanks for the tips, but here I'm trying to boot (with qemu) sock 
FreeBSD image that I built myself, I'm very far at this point from 
booting FreeBSD on SRX (and, to be honest, this just sin't the goal). 
Any thoughts on why the init is ABRTing ? Or may be the howtos on the 
FreeBSD wiki arent that precise ?

I've also tried to google prebuilt image for mips64 of any FreeBSD 
version but it seems like those don't exist. :/
