xfce4-terminal fonts disappeared

From: George Mitchell <george+freebsd_at_m5p.com>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2024 18:12:35 UTC
After the most recent upgrade to the "noto" family of fonts (built
locally from source), xfce4-terminal's font selection thingy shows many,
many fewer fonts than before I upgraded.  Specifically, Noto Color Emoji
is the ONLY font available from the noto family.

Any other application (mousepad, thunderbird, chromium, firefox) still
has all the installed fonts available, just as before (115 x11-fonts).
Only xfce4-terminal is confused.

FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p10 amd64
xfce4-terminal-1.0.4_1 (just now updated to 1.1.3; no improvement)

-- George