Re: Thunderbird, ligatures, and "fixed-width" fonts

From: Bertrand Petit <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2024 07:45:13 UTC
On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 08:09:09AM +0100, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> I've looked up the patch you linked, but I don't know where to put it 
> exacly.
> I already have ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf and it's an XML file:

	Extract the whole <MATCH> tag from George's document and insert it
anywhere in your fonts.conf file with the limitation that it must be placed at
the same level as the already present <MATCH>s.

> I don't know where my version comes from. Perhaps it was crafted from 
> XFCE settings GUI?

	You way want to make your file read-only in order to prevent any
desktop environment from overwriting your settings.

	You can also place the whole document George mentioned in a separate
file in the ~/.config/fontconfig/ directory. For reference, look in
/usr/local/etc/fonts/ how this is done system-wide.

> Is this all obsolete? Should I delete this and replace it with the given 
> text?

	Those settings are fine and can be kept. Removing then will change
the appearance of text on screen.

%!PS -- Bertrand Petit
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D 1 G /h E D w I h I T 0 Y 1 setlinewidth 0 1 2 { P 120 rotate 2 4 w U mul h U
mul add sqrt I 50 add {N 50 0 3 2 L 0 360 arc stroke}for}for/s{O true charpath
pathbbox exch 4 -1 L E sub I 3 1 L sub I} D /l(bp)D 0.94 Y /Helvetica findfont
22 scalefont setfont l s P(x)s exch P T O l show showpage