Re: list of valid ABI combinations

From: Mark Millard <>
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2024 04:38:47 UTC
[FYI: My internet access is limited to a cellphone for some number of days.]

> On Jan 1, 2024, at 19:26, Philip Paeps <> wrote:
> On 2023-12-07 23:03:33 (+0800), Mark Millard wrote:
>> Dan Langille <> wrote:
>>> My goal is to automatically maintain this table, from which FreshPorts fetches package information:
>>> select * from abi order by name;
>>> id | name | active
>>> ----+----------------------+--------
>>> 9 | FreeBSD:12:aarch64 | t
>>> [...]
>>> 53 | FreeBSD:15:riscv64 | t
>>> (31 rows)
>> The name list in the middle (/bin/sh context):
>> # fetch
>> index.html                                            3606  B  103 MBps    00s
>> # grep FreeBSD: index.html | sed -e 's@.*\(FreeBSD:[^ <]*\).*@\1@' | sort
>> FreeBSD:12:aarch64
>> [...]
>> FreeBSD:15:powerpc64le
>> There might be issues at times with not
>> being in sync. As far as I can tell, that page is manually maintained.
> clusteradm updates that page to match what we're actually distributing.  If it doesn't reflect reality, that's a bug, and we'd like to know please. :-)

Does that include the “only ??? Is updated” sorts of notes? For example, FreeBSD:13:armv6 Latest dates back to 2021-Jan-25 but there is no note about quarterly only. Various FreeBSD:15:* do not have notes about Latest only, despite having no quarterly at all. Some other cases have notable but shorter differences in the Latest vs. Quarterly time frames, suggesting only one is being updated but no fixed difference is definitive for that status.

Dan’s activities with the page do not use such notes as far as I know.

> Philip
> --
> Philip Paeps
> Senior Reality Engineer
> Alternative Enterprises