APIC interrupting me while stepping through a kernel with kgdb

From: Naman Sood <naman_at_freebsdfoundation.org>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 19:34:56 UTC

I've been following this guide[1] to get kgdb to debug a FreeBSD guest
on bhyve - I have a WIP patch for pfsync that I want to debug. I'm at
the point where I can set breakpoints in if_pfsync.c and get them to
break when I hit them. However, when I step/next from there, control
always goes to the lapic_handle_timer(), which does its APIC timer
things, returns control to the line where I set the breakpoint... and
then immediately goes to the timer again, since presumably a timer
tick has happened between me pressing Return repeatedly.

Is there a way to get around this? Either turn off the timer (doesn't
sound like a good idea?) or get kgdb to ignore it so I can debug the
rest of the kernel? Running skip at the timer code didn't seem to


[1]: https://freebsdfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Using-bhyve-for-FreeBSD-Development.pdf