Re: Periodic rant about SCHED_ULE

From: Mateusz Guzik <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 18:50:31 UTC
On 3/30/23, Kevin Bowling <> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 11:29 AM Kevin Bowling <>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 8:37 AM Mateusz Guzik <> wrote:
>> >
>> > I looked into it a little more, below you can find summary and steps
>> > forward.
>> >
>> > First a general statement: while ULE does have performance bugs, it
>> > has better basis than 4BSD to make scheduling decisions. Most notably
>> > it understands CPU topology, at least for cases which don't involve
>> > big.LITTLE. For any non-freak case where 4BSD performs better, it is a
>> > bug in ULE if this is for any reason other than a tradeoff which can
>> > be tweaked to line them up. Or more to the point, there should not be
>> > any legitimate reason to use 4BSD these days and modulo the bugs
>> > below, you are probably losing on performance for doing so.
>> An elided simple algorithm for big.LITTLE, from Larry McVoy.. if you
>> run for an entire quantum, flag preference for big core.  If you run
>> for less or get punted off, flag for little core preference.
>> > Bugs reported in this thread by others and confirmed by me:
>> > 1. failure to load-balance when having n CPUs and n + 1 workers -- the
>> > excess one stays on one the same CPU thread continuously penalizing
>> > the same victim. as a result total real time to execute a finite
>> > computation is longer than in the case of 4BSD
>> > 2. unfairness of nice -n 20 threads vs threads going frequently off
>> > CPU (e.g., due to I/O) -- after using only a fraction of the slice the
>> > victim has to wait for the cpu hog to use up its entire slice, rinse
>> > and repeat. This extends a 7+ minute buildkernel to over 67 minutes,
>> > not an issue on 4BSD
>> >
>> > I did not put almost any effort into investigating no 1. There is code
>> > which is supposed to rebalance load across CPUs, someone(tm) will have
>> > to sit through it -- for all I know the fix is trivial.
>> >
>> > Fixing number 2 makes *another* bug more acute and it complicates the
>> > whole ordeal.
>> >
>> > Thus, bug reported by me:
>> > 3. interactivity scoring is bogus -- originally introduced to detect
>> > "interactive" behavior by equating being off CPU with waiting for user
>> > input. One part of the problem is that it puts *all* non-preempted off
>> > CPU time into one bag: a voluntary sleep. This includes suffering from
>> > lock contention in the kernel, lock contention in the program itself,
>> > file I/O and so on, none of which has bearing on how interactive or
>> > not the program might happen to be. A bigger part of the problem is
>> > that at least today, the graphical programs don't even act this way to
>> > begin with -- they stay on CPU *a lot*.
>> >
>> > I asked people to provide me with the output of: dtrace -n
>> > 'sched:::on-cpu { @[execname] = lquantize(curthread->td_priority, 0,
>> > 224, 1); }' from their laptops/desktops.
>> >
>> > One finding is that most people (at least those who reported) use
>> > firefox.
>> >
>> > Another finding is that the browser is above the threshold which would
>> > be considered "interactive" for vast majority of the time in all
>> > reported cases.
>> >
>> > I booted a 2 thread vm with xfce and decided to click around. Spawned
>> > firefox, opened a file manager (Thunar) and from there I opened a
>> > movie to play with mpv. As root I spawned make -j 2 buildkernel. it
>> > was not particularly good :)
>> >
>> > I found that mpv spawns a bunch of threads, most notably 2 distinct
>> > threads for audio and video output. The one for video got a priority
>> > of 175, while the rest had either 88 or 89 -- the lowest for
>> > timesharing not considered interactive [note lower is considered
>> > better].
>> >
>> > At the same time the file manager who was left in the background kept
>> > doing evil syscall usage, which as a result bouncing between a regular
>> > timesharing priority and one which made it "interactive", even though
>> > the program was not touched for minutes.
>> >
>> > Or to put it differently, the scheduler failed to recognize that mpv
>> > is the program to prioritize, all while thinking the background time
>> > waster is the thing to look after (so to speak).
>> >
>> > This brings us to fixing problem 2: currently, due to the existence of
>> > said problem, the interactivity scoring woes are less acute -- the
>> > venerable make -j example is struggling to get CPU time, as a result
>> > messing with real interactive programs to a lesser extent. If that
>> > gets fixed, we are in a different boat altogether.
>> >
>> > I don't see a clean solution.
> One other random anecdote.  Windows 11 uses window focus to highly
> boost scheduling priority in an obviously effective way.  I have no
> idea how difficult something like that would be to fit into the unix
> world.

I thought about doing something like that, but I consider it dodgy.
Imagine you play some crap from youtube while messing around in a text
editor -- I'm pretty sure the former is more prone to disturbance from
scheduling changes.

Anyhow after sending the above e-mail an actual solution hit me: the X
server can tell the kernel what processes connect to it over the unix
socket, which again very well may be good enough.

In the reports I got I found pulseaudio, this one may need to be
patched in a similar manner.

Mateusz Guzik <mjguzik>