Search for GSoC mentors for BATMAN

From: obiwac <>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2023 02:34:21 UTC

I had already posted about a Linux KPI-related networking project for
FreeBSD for GSoC. melifaro@ redirected me towards mmokhi@ and bz@,
with whom I have since followed up. After a short discussion with
mmokhi@, I've settled on wanting to bring BATMAN support to FreeBSD,
which is an ad-hoc networking protocol developed for use in the
Freifunk initiative.

As mmokhi@ may not have time to be a full mentor this year, I'm
sending this message as a last-minute effort to find someone else
who'd be interested in mentoring/co-mentoring this project. If you
are, I can send over my current proposal draft and we can discuss
things further :D

Kind regards,