Re: GSoC 2023 MFSBSD Integration Project

From: Warner Losh <>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 08:02:00 UTC
On Tue, Mar 21, 2023, 6:28 AM Shaun Loo <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm Shaun, a student who has been poking around with FreeBSD since the
> end of last year (installing onto various systems, recompiling the
> kernel for fun, simple stuff), and I figure I'd join FreeBSD's GSoC
> program this year and contribute to the project.
> I picked out the project "Integrate MFSBSD into the release building
> tools." The basic idea is to integrate MFSBSD, which generates an
> image that contains a minimal FreeBSD installation that is completely
> loaded into memory, into the release build tools. This will allow
> MFSBSD images of weekly snapshots to be generated automatically,
> rather than waiting for someone to manually generate one when new
> versions of FreeBSD are released, as well as facilitating testing
> of these images.
> I have already started some preliminary work on it (building
> MFSBSD for the upcoming 14.0 and familiarzing myself with FreeBSD's
> build tools) to get a feel for what I'll be trying to integrate into
> the release building tools.
> I've contacted Brad Davis <brd at FreeBSD dot org>, who was originally
> listed as the mentor for the project on the GSoC Ideas wiki page.
> Unfortunately, I have yet to have received a response. I've checked the
> src tree and it seems like their last commit was dated to October 2022.
> I've talked about this in the freebsd-soc IRC channel, and jrm has
> kindly pointed me to this mailing list as well as Martin Matuska
> <mm at FreeBSD dot org>, who maintains MFSBSD. I've tried contacting
> Martin over email yesterday and have not gotten a response.
> I'm wondering if anyone on this list is able and willing to be my
> mentor for this project, or if there are any other build tools-related
> projects I could work on for GSoC 2023?

I am likely mentoring another project, but I can answer questions about
build related issues.

