Re: Crypto Donations

From: Wojciech Puchar <>
Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2022 08:45:49 UTC
>> zero if just in bank.
> You're spot on here. In fact it has a name: fiat. IOW it's a *perceived* 
> value.
> When the US dropped gold and silver certificates back in the 60's. US 
> currency was
> no longer backed by the gold and silver bullion then stored in Fort Knox. Its 
> actual
> value was then reduced to no more than the paper it was printed on, or what 
> others
> *believed* it was worth. You decide. ;-)

Right. You described the difference between currencies and money.
Money is silver or gold.

By the way - In USA dollars are ILLEGALLY forced to be national currency, 
against US constitution that clearly says that you cannot force anyone to 
take payment for debts with anything else than silver or gold.