Re: Shy scroll bars

From: Michael Schuster <>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2022 16:21:52 UTC
On Tue, May 17, 2022, 18:15 Chris <> wrote:

> On 2022-05-17 08:27, George Mitchell wrote:
> > Among the "features" that have appeared in Firefox 100 is my least
> > favorite from Linux's so-called Unity interface: in the name of
> > maximizing non-wasted screen space, scroll bars shrink to maybe two
> > or three pixels in width whenever the cursor is not in their vicinity.
> > Sure, this does give a tiny bit more space to other uses, but it means
> > you can't see at a glance where you have scrolled to in a large image
> > or document.  (At least, it's hard for my aged eyes.)  Is there some
> > way to persuade Firefox not to do this?  Thanks for your attention.
> > -- George
> It's not just FF. The Gnome 3+ DE's do the same thing. Makes everything
> slower and harder to accomplish. I'm only answering here, as I looked
> (unsuccessfully) for a solution on the Gnome DE.

I'm repeating what I sent OP in private: look for a way to disable client
side decorations - what you're reporting sounds a lot like that... idea.

HTH, let us know how you fare.