Re: how to run bhyve and virtualbox at the same time

From: David Chisnall <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 09:29:29 UTC
On 27/06/2022 20:41, Mario Marietto wrote:
> I did it already and it works. Fact is that if I use virtualbox I can't 
> use bhyve at the same time. So It's not a good idea to use only 
> virtualbox machines.

On macOS, VirtualBox can coexist with other hypervisors because it does 
not provide a kernel module (it is not allowed to on recent macOS) but 
is, instead, layered on top of Apple's Hypervisor framework.

bhyve has also been ported to sit on top of Apple's Hypervisor framework 
(xhyve, used by Docker) and I believe that the abstractions provided by 
the bhyve kernel module are fairly similar.

It should be possible to port VirtualBox to sit on top of vmm.ko.  I 
have not been able to find any documentation of the vmm(4) ioctls other 
than the source code, so I'd imagine that about 2/3 of this work would 
be documenting the kernel interfaces.
