Suggestions for moving PR 248368 forward?

From: Pau Amma <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2022 03:01:44 UTC
(Please cc: me in replies as I only subscribed to the list to ask this 
and may have to unsubscribe if it proves overwhelming.) has been 
gathering dust for close to 1.5 year now and I'm trying to help moving 
it closer to resolution, because the VirtualBox part at least affects 
me. One thing I think would be good is for one or more people able to 
look closely at host and guest kernel behavior and at VirtualBox 
behavior to determine which contribute to that part of the symptoms. If 
someone can come up with hard evidence pointing to one of the above, 
maybe knowing where the problem may lie will help pinpointing it.

Figuring out the bare-metal part of the problem would be good too, but 
it's clearer that only FreeBSD (and maybe some of the computer's 
firmware) is a possible cause.
