[Bug 275594] High CPU usage by arc_prune; analysis and fix

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2024 15:59:57 UTC

--- Comment #79 from Seigo Tanimura <seigo.tanimura@gmail.com> ---
(In reply to mike from comment #76)

Until my fix gets merged to the official source, you can keep the fix as a git
branch in your local repository and build the kernel out of it.

The example steps to keeping the fix along with the official source:

- Local fix branch
- Official FreeBSD branch
- Remote name of my fix repository

A) Clone the git repository and create the fix branch.

Take these steps to set up the git repository.  Perform them only once.

1. Clone the FreeBSD source repository.

The following steps clone the FreeBSD source repository into

gitrepo@silver:~ % mkdir ~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking
gitrepo@silver:~ % pushd ~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking
~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking ~
gitrepo@silver:~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking % git clone
Cloning into 'freebsd-src'...
Updating files: 100% (99431/99431), done.
gitrepo@silver:~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking % cd freebsd-src
gitrepo@silver:~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking/freebsd-src % 

2. Add the remote repository of my fix and create the local fix branch.

The following steps add my fix repository as a remote repository and make the
local fix branch.  Also, the local branch tracking the official FreeBSD branch
is created to make the tracking easy.

gitrepo@silver:~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking/freebsd-src % git remote add
a130ft https://github.com/altimeter-130ft/freebsd-freebsd-src.git
gitrepo@silver:~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking/freebsd-src % git fetch a130ft
From https://github.com/altimeter-130ft/freebsd-freebsd-src
 * [new branch]               
releng/14.0-topic-openzfs-arc_prune-regulation-fix                           ->
gitrepo@silver:~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking/freebsd-src % git branch
releng/14.0 origin/releng/14.0
branch 'releng/14.0' set up to track 'origin/releng/14.0'.
gitrepo@silver:~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking/freebsd-src % git branch
branch 'releng/14.0-topic-openzfs-arc_prune-regulation-fix-local' set up to
track 'a130ft/releng/14.0-topic-openzfs-arc_prune-regulation-fix'.
gitrepo@silver:~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking/freebsd-src % 

B) Maintain the fix branch.

Perform these steps to update your local fix branch to the official FreeBSD
branch after pulling it from the upstream.

3. Rebase the fix branch onto the official FreeBSD branch you want to track.

gitrepo@silver:~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking/freebsd-src % git pull
gitrepo@silver:~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking/freebsd-src % git switch
Updating files: 100% (13175/13175), done.
Switched to branch 'releng/14.0-topic-openzfs-arc_prune-regulation-fix-local'
Your branch is up to date with
gitrepo@silver:~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking/freebsd-src % git log
(Count and check the fix commits.)
gitrepo@silver:~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking/freebsd-src % git rebase -i
--onto releng/14.0 releng/14.0-topic-openzfs-arc_prune-regulation-fix-local~3
(Check the rebased commits.)
(Resolve the conflicts as required.)
gitrepo@silver:~/freebsd-zfs-fix-localtracking/freebsd-src %

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