Re: package mix release works, port doesn't? (and neither is self-contained)

From: Dave Cottlehuber <>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2022 12:54:06 UTC
On Thu, 5 May 2022, at 10:41, Pat Maddox wrote:
> On 4 May 2022, at 23:48, Pat Maddox wrote:
> However, the port replaces it: 
> So where mix release produces the following lines in 
> ex_ample/releases/0.1.0/elixir:
> ERTS_BIN="$SCRIPT_PATH"/../../erts-12.3./bin/
> The port changes them to:
> ERTS_BIN=/usr/local/lib/erlang24/bin/

I think I'm missing something here about how this is setup / deployed & used.

when you build a release, it shouldn't end up with an elixir-specific PATH embedded in it, and if that does happen we should fix that.

lang/elixir-devel is hardwired because the BEAM bytecode varies across releases, and we need to both build & run with the new shiny OTP versions, rather than whatever versions you have installed.

but the OTP release machinery should assemble you a release with the correct bits either way.

At least log an issue for this on (per my other email to list) and we will fix it.
