Re: Pkg fallout madness

From: Dave Cottlehuber <>
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2022 23:07:21 UTC
On Thu, 28 Apr 2022, at 16:53, Mike Jakubik wrote:
> Hello,
> Just curious if anyone is looking into all these errors generated by 
> the build process.
> Thanks.
> Mike Jakubik

Hi Mike

This is expected. I mentioned ~ last September that most of
the ports would be removed, aside from ones where there's a C
or similar NIF dependency that:

- can't simply have an upstreamed patch
- some relationship to another FreeBSD port
- is practically useful, like build tools or emacs helpers

i.e. recon, hex, rebar, elixir.el & alchemist.el should remain 

There is an exp-run (validation of a large/significant patch 
against the ports tree before it gets committed), and once
the fallout from that is clean, I'll commit it after validating
with the other committers in that list.

If there's something specific you need fixed, or don't want
removed, please say so.

for details.

As always this is a volunteer driven open source community,
patches and helpers are always welcome.

I would like to add a ports-tree version of mix archives,
so installing e.g. phoenix, or other projects, is easy.
The current phoenix port is not really very usable.
