Two announcements: Mailing List and OCI WG

From: Greg Wallace <>
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2023 15:06:48 UTC
Hi everyone!

   1. Thanks to the good folks on the FreeBSD Postmaster team, our 
   Enterprise WG mailing list is live and ready to rock and roll!
   Please subscribe here:
   All subsequent communication will happen on that list.
   2. Open Container Initiative (OCI) proposal for a FreeBSD runtime 
   working group:
   At present, we have two OCI runtimes for FreeBSD (runj and ocijail) and 
   support from several container engines. From the working group proposal 
   "there is a need to define a FreeBSD-specific section of the runtime-spec 
   to allow support for platform features such as resource limits and 
   fine-grained jail permissions."
   *Please chime in on the PR if you would like to contributing to this 
Thanks everyone!
