Panic: lock "lnxspin" 0xfffff800176c0730 already initialized

From: David Wolfskill <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 12:59:46 UTC
This is running main-n270174-abb1a1340e3f (built in-place from
main-n270163-154ad8e0f88f), with ports at main-n663685-3f732745ab06;
the ports-resident kernel modules were rebuilt with the kernel,
courtesy (e.g.):

g1-70(14.1-S)[4] grep '^PORT' /etc/src.conf

And since I dislike "sample sizes of one," I have this result on
two different laptops, each of which has both Nvidia & Intel graphics
(but for the older one (M4800), I stopped using (& building) the
Nvidia driver, since enabling it appears to disable GLX).

Anyway: photos of the backtraces are at
as are copies of the build typescripts.

Unfortunately, the panic message itself had (just) scrolled off the
top at the time I took the photos, but I hand-typed it (from the
M4800) in the Subject.

David H. Wolfskill                    
Please do not mistake "authoritarian" for "conservative" -- or vice versa.

See for my public key.