Re: Switching release media dist sets to .tzst (tar + zstd)?

From: Mark Millard <>
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2024 15:00:41 UTC
On Dec 14, 2024, at 06:21, Ed Maste <> wrote:

> On Fri, 13 Dec 2024 at 19:42, Mark Millard <> wrote:
>> I tend to use*/*/*/*/*.txz
>> for crude bisecting without needing to do builds.
>> Are you saying that such will no longer be a possibility? (This is
>> not a which-compression-style question.)
> With pkgbase these distribution sets are not used by the installer, so
> they will no longer be required for their original purpose.
> It may be that there are a sufficient number of other use cases (like
> yours) that we still build them anyway, for some time. I would imagine
> most use cases can also switch to pkgbase packages, though. If it's
> different kernels you're looking to test it will be straightforward to
> use the kernel packages instead.

At least currently, there is no history of PkgBase builds available,
for download, just the most recent of of latest and weekly. Would <> be replaced with a source of PkgBase build
history that would allow the approximate bisecting of pre-built

Without the history, activity like bisecting would require doing
the builds, making things take much much longer for various
platform instances that take notable time to do builds.

>> I've also used the likes of the below with kgdb to look at reported
>> backtraces from problems that have been reported --for versions of
>> FreeBSD that I do not have a boot environment for. (Not wanting to
>> do a normal install on other media and to boot/configure it --just
>> to look around.)
>> (But there is no equivalent for patch revisions of *.*-RELEASE 's .)
>> Similar question for those: no longer to be possible?
> The same applies to these ones - they won't be needed after moving to
> pkgbase, but I imagine we could still build them if they're being used
> for other purposes.

base_release_* will exist, also spanning patches. I've not yet tested
if these are binary matches to the official non-PkgBase builds from such that, say,
kernel backtrace addresses are usable across the types of builds.
(Sort of a reproducibility criteria.)

base_weekly is like ,
other than having no history prior to the most recent base_weekly as
things are.

Lack of history also has issues when it turns out that base_latest is
or base_weekly is broken/unusable.

Mark Millard
marklmi at