Re: CURRRENT snapshot won't boot due missing ZFS feature

From: void <>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2023 11:06:31 UTC
On Thu, Jun 08, 2023 at 06:11:15PM +0200, Michael Gmelin wrote:
>I didn't dig into this yet.
>After installing the current 14-snapshot (June 1st) in a bhyve-vm, I
>get this on boot:
>  ZFS: unsupported feature: com.klarasystems:vdev_zaps_v2
>(booting stops at this point)
>Seems like the boot loader is missing this recently added feature.

This is still happening in the following context:

host: stable/13-n256033
bhyve guest was installed from FreeBSD-14.0-BETA2-amd64-bootonly.iso

error on booting the guest 
ZFS: unsupported feature: com.klarasystems:vdev_zaps_v2
ERROR: cannot open /boot/lua/loader.lua: no such file or directory.

This used to work with earlier -current (14-current) bhyve guests.
Is there a workaround?

Does this mean that any bhyve host needs to be either at or above
the guest version in future? In other words, is having host
version less than guest not meant to work?