oudriere/CURRENT jail upgrade: install error: libc.so.7: Operation not permitted *** [_libinstall]

From: FreeBSD User <freebsd_at_walstatt-de.de>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2023 17:04:06 UTC

running CURRENT on the host and a CURRENT jail on that specific host for poudriere test
purposes, building the jail from sources succeeded, but installing stopped working a couple of
weeks ago (installing 13-STABL:E jails stopped working, too, but building 13-STABLE on top of
CURRENT works fine).

The jail's base is built like a PkgBase. the I try to update the existing jail via 

poudriere jail -j head-amd64

and that fails with (as 13-stable does also):

install -N /pool/sources/CURRENT/src/etc  -s -o root -g wheel -m 555   mknetid
/pool/poudriere/jails/head-amd64/usr/libexec/mknetid --- realinstall_subdir_lib ---
install: rename: /pool/poudriere/jails/head-amd64/lib/INS@uPWcSw to
/pool/poudriere/jails/head-amd64/lib/libc.so.7: Operation not permitted *** [_libinstall]
Error code 71

The same with building the jail running "poudriere -u -b". The same is for 13-STABLE.

The only way to circumvent this issue is to delete the jail and install it. The installation
succeeds in both updating-failing scenarios (pkgbase and poudriere built case), which leads me
to the conclusion, that a minor bug is preventing the update.

Any suggestions how to make updating work again?

Kind regards,


O. Hartmann