DHCPDv6 in non-vnet jail

From: Goran Mekić <meka_at_tilda.center>
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2022 22:29:57 UTC

I'm trying to run isc-dhcpd6 service inside a non-vnet jail without
success. I already have isc-dhcpd in the same jail working, so I hoped
v6 is similar enough for it not to require anything special, and I'm
obviously wrong, as running the same config on the host itself works. I
am using bridge interface in the non-vnet jail to set IPv4 and IPv6
address and as an interface for isc-dhcpd.

I know I can't just assume that if something works on IPv4 will work on
IPv6 too, but could you help me understand what is missing? Is it even
possible to have isc-dhcpd6 in a non-vnet jail? If not, why, if yes,
what am I doing wrong?

Forgive me for not sending the full config as it would make this mail
huge. I'm thinking if there's something obviously wrong in my asumption
that isc-dhcpd6 can work in non-vnet jail, config wouldn't be much of
the help, but if that's not the case I'll be happy to send any jail and
related configuration.
