fts(3) not checking for readdir(3) errors

From: Ganael Laplanche <ganael.laplanche_at_martymac.org>
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2022 11:16:09 UTC

For one of my projects, I've received a patch to our implementation of fts(3) 
which does not check for readdir(3) errors. The patch seemed obvious and 
looked OK to me so I merged it to my project.

I think we should merge it to FreeBSD too so I've opened a PR (with the patch) 


Could a src committer have a look at it please ?

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,

Ganael LAPLANCHE <ganael.laplanche@martymac.org>
http://www.martymac.org | http://contribs.martymac.org
FreeBSD: martymac <martymac@FreeBSD.org>, http://www.FreeBSD.org