14-CURRENT: www/nextcloud: php occ/web access : Segmentation fault
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 20:39:24 UTC
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Hello, we ran into serious trouble here with an www/nextcloud installation on a recent 14-CURRENT (FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #23 main-n247612-e6dd0e2e8d4: Mon Jun 28 18:08:20 CEST 2021 amd64). Ports tree is up to date and ports are built via traditional "make". Port www/nextcloud, all mod_ ports and even every php-* port (php74 is installed and default) has been recompiled within the last two weeks via "portmaster -f". The phenomenon occured back a couple of weeks, when access from the web via cjromoum and/or firefox reported out of the sudden "Secure Connection Failed". I checked the Apache 2.4 server's certificate (self signed,never had been an issue so far), but there seems no issue to exist. It got very strange when I tried to perfom an upgrade and/or check via cd /usr/local/www/nextcloud su -m -c "/usr/local/bin/php ./occ upgrade" Whenever I access occ, I receive an @"Segmentation fault". The I checked the server's error log and I found for each access of the nextcloud instance an entry like [Tue Jun 01 06:04:40.667026 2021] [core:notice] [pid 81123:tid 34374492160] AH00052: child pid 24598 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) Well, I'm out of ideas, it seems nextcloud, php or apache ar all in combination do have a serious problem hard to come by with 14-CURRENT (another instance running on 12.2-RELENG doesn't have any issues). Can someone hint me to what to do track this nasty error? Thanks in advance, oh - -- O. Hartmann Ich widerspreche der Nutzung oder Übermittlung meiner Daten für Werbezwecke oder für die Markt- oder Meinungsforschung (§ 28 Abs. 4 BDSG). -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iHUEARYKAB0WIQSy8IBxAPDkqVBaTJ44N1ZZPba5RwUCYNozlwAKCRA4N1ZZPba5 Rx2nAPwNf9014LCwIKdjN1lxdiESP0daa97tqvFsZiOM8OgpmAD+M6pmqlCVG6TE HyuCprAwjwvP9zxov3BDaVmJRI3ZpAw= =z4d+ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----